National Addiction Awareness Week, November 19 to 25, 2023

National Addiction Awareness Week, November 19 to 25, 2023

Candace Plattor will be at the IOS Conference

An essential observance for professionals and services in the field of addiction counselling.

VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA, November 14, 2023 / — National Addiction Awareness Week takes place November 19th to 25th. In recognition of this essential observance for professionals and services in the field of addiction counselling, Candace Plattor, M.A., R.C.C. will be at the Issues of Substance (IOS) Conference, hosted by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, in Vancouver, BC, on November 20th to 22nd.

Candace, and Christine from her team, welcome anyone attending the event to visit them at the Love With Boundaries Exhibitor Booth. Candace will be signing copies of her award-winning book, “Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The Top 10 Survival Tips for Loving Someone with an Addiction” throughout this three-day event. If you would like to know more about Candace’s important work with families of addicted loved ones, she is available for podcasts and media interviews. Please see below for contact information.

In honour of “Giving Tuesday” on November 28th, Candace will be donating her award-winning books to families who are grappling with addiction, as well as organizations that provide addiction recovery services, such as detoxes and treatment centres. This is made possible by generous sponsorship from the Rotary Club of Langley, the Rotary Club of Richmond and Raise A Dream, to name a few.

On November 30th, Candace will be virtually presenting a 30-minute talk and Q&A for the Rotary Club of Squamish. Speaking to topics such as “What is Addiction, Really?” and “What does it take for an addict to TRULY recover?” Candace will outline what family members must do first to actually HELP the addicts they love, as well as what to stop doing that only ENABLES the addiction to continue. Members of the public are invited to attend via Zoom.

Moving into December, Candace will be hosting a special edition of “Ask Candace Live,” her popular monthly event where listeners can ask questions about addiction and how to best love an addict. On December 7th at 1:00 PT/4:00 ET, Candace will provide guidance and share strategies for dealing with addicted loved ones during the Holiday Season. She will also answer questions from the IOS Conference participants and from those who register. Attendees can ask their questions live or submit them in advance, and this can be done anonymously for those who wish. Here’s the link to register:

To book an interview with Candace please contact Christine Zitscher on the Love With Boundaries Team at the bottom of this press release.

About Candace Plattor

Candace Plattor, M. A., is a professional speaker, Addictions Therapist in private practice, a sought-after leader in the field of addiction, and the author of the award-winning book “Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself: The Top 10 Survival Tips for Loving Someone with an Addiction.” In her unique and signature Family Addiction Counselling and Therapy Program, she specializes in working with families and other loved ones of people who are struggling with addiction. The results Candace achieves have been astounding: addicts stop using and families regain their lives from the ravages of addiction.

About Love With Boundaries:

Love With Boundaries offers counselling to help families and the addicts they love come out of the pain and suffering of addiction—forever. Our highly skilled therapists counsel families about how to love with clear and respectful boundaries, and they provide insights and techniques to help families stop enabling the addicts they love so that they can all make the choice to recover from addiction.

Love With Boundaries
email us here

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