InventHelp Inventor Develops New Product for Guitar Players (ASP-309)

PITTSBURGH, Jan. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — “I’m a musician and I wanted to create a new device that could be used to stretch a guitar’s strings prior to installing the strings on the instrument,” said an inventor, from San Marcos, Texas, “so I invented the PLA- INC. My design would ensure the strings were immediately playable and it eliminates the need to repeatedly retune the instrument.”

The patent-pending invention provides an effective way to stretch guitar/instrument strings before they are installed on the instrument. In doing so, it prevents the strings from slipping out of tune when the instrument is played. It also prevents damage associated with manually stretching strings and it would maintain the instrument’s condition and playability. The invention features an innovative design that is easy to use so it is ideal for guitar players and other musicians, instrument technicians, etc. Additionally, it is producible in design variations and a prototype model is available upon request.

The original design was submitted to the Austin sales office of InventHelp. It is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, write Dept. 22-ASP-309, InventHelp, 100 Beecham Drive, Suite 110, Pittsburgh, PA 15205-9801, or call (412) 288-1300 ext. 1368. Learn more about InventHelp’s Invention Submission Services at

SOURCE InventHelp

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