Insights from Eric Edmeades and Dr. Ruben Ruiz
Insights from Eric Edmeades and Dr. Ruben Ruiz

Postdiabetic by Edmeades and Ruiz

Diabetes management is widely controversial .The average person starts over 127 diets in their lifetime. Ruben and Edmeades’s outline a more sustainable method

With 1 in 3 Americans being prediabetic, the significance of “Postdiabetic” is profound. Dive in this book and elevate your overall health, brain function, and long-term cognitive well being”

— JIm Kwik, New York TImes Best Seller

AUSTIN, TX, UNITED STATES, April 12, 2024 / — In the midst of today’s conversation about natural healthy living, ‘Postdiabetic’ authored by Eric Edmeades and Dr. Ruben Ruiz comes not only as a breath of fresh air but marks a groundbreaking step for diabetes research and management. This book comes at a time when food addictions and unhealthy lifestyle habits are at an all-time high.

The repercussion – the eminent epidemic of Type 2 diabetes. More people than ever are standing on the curb of prediabetes, and an astonishing 90% of the total diabetic population today accounts for Type 2 diabetes*. Edmeades and Ruiz offer the simple insight that the way to combat this epidemic has actually been around for thousands of years but seems to have been forgotten in the modern-day hustle and bustle of eating trends, diets, and appetite medications.

In today’s diabetes management and diet trends, the concept of the ‘human diet’ is widely controversial. So much so that the average person starts and fails over 126 diets in their lifetime – essentially starting two new diets a year during their adult years.* Ruben and Edmeades’s work outlines the known fact that switching from sugar to fat as our go-to energy kick creates a more sustainable method. However, in their innovative work – they go as far as to say that our lifestyle choices and relationship with food are actually the driving force behind this disease’s rampant increased presence.

Postdiabetic serves as the culmination of their testing and research over the last ten years – and serves it in a simply stated 9-week – easy-to-follow program outlined chapter by chapter. Throughout the book, Dr. Ruben brings his years of esteemed experience from having held positions such as Clinical Preceptor at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at UCLA/Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. This is seen in sections throughout the book – specifically annotated from a doctor’s perspective – giving the book rich insight into both the practical and clinical aspects of the reversal journey.

Together, Edmeades and Dr. Ruiz spearhead a pivotal shift in the perception and management of diabetes. “Postdiabetic” not only provides the tools and knowledge necessary for combating diabetes but also advocates for a broader lifestyle transformation aimed at achieving optimal health.

Endorsed by notable health experts such as Mark Hyman, MD, Jack Canfield, and Jim Kwik, the book’s significance cannot be overstated. Kwik praises its profound impact, particularly highlighting its potential to enhance overall health, brain function, and long-term cognitive well-being for the prediabetic population, which represents a significant portion of Americans.

“Postdiabetic” transcends the traditional scope of diabetes literature, advocating not just for dietary change but for a holistic health revolution. It is an essential read for anyone committed to fostering a healthier lifestyle, regardless of their diabetic status.

The book Postdiabetic is now available at major book retailers. It represents a valuable resource for individuals seeking to navigate the challenges of diabetes with informed and practical strategies.

* Statistics provided by CDC:,adults%20are%20also%20developing%20it.

* Statistics provided by The Independent

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